Virtual Space Ride

Web XR Experience (2023-06-12)

A multi-platform experience to showcase the capabilities of extended reality applications on the web. Initially, this project started out as an idea for a hybrid business card with a digital counterpart and ended up as a sci-fi-inspired spaceship tour.

Click here to launch the experience

What is XR?

XR stands for "extended reality" and refers to VR (virtual reality), AR (augemented reality), or anything in between. There are many different forms that could be described as XR like camera effects on social media, virtual try-ons for fashion or portal experiences that take you to another place.

Interactive and Unrestrained

One key aspect of web XR is that it is intended to work on a broad range of devices without any additional apps or social media accounts. All that is needed to interact with the 3D content is an up-to-date web browser on any desktop or mobile device.

Why you should care

The content revolution is well underway and high-quality visuals have become standard across industries. Aside from wowing your customers, three-dimensional product showcases create a more accurate representation of your e-commerce offerings. Explaining complex services or processes becomes a lot easier with interactive visualizations and there are numerous other applications for this remarkable technology.

Experience design
on the digital threshold

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